My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Given the amazing ratings this book has on Goodreads, I’m going to be upfront and say it’s probably a great book but just wasn’t a good one for me.
When I requested it on NetGalley, I don’t remember reading anywhere that it was #21 in a series. That information would have been helpful. As would having read the previous 20 books. The synopsis was even confusing to me.
This book covers two separate stories, complete with their own contingency of suspects, victims, and FBI operatives. One story line follows a hardened criminal who has escaped custody while being transferred. The other is about a scientist who is trying to develop the proverbial “fountain of youth.”
There is just so much going on in this book I was overwhelmed. Too many characters (although I’m sure that wouldn’t have been so overwhelming if I’d read the previous books first). Too many plots. Just too much going on for me. The fact that there had to be multiple epilogues to wrap up all the story lines is telling. And while you pretty much who’s guilty of what pretty much from the get go, you don’t know the details of motivation and plan until the epilogues.
I never was invested in any of the characters or the stories themselves. I was too busy trying to keep it all straight.
I know people love Catherine Coulter and her writing. Clearly, or there wouldn’t be over twenty books in this series. But this book just wasn’t for me.
***Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy.
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