My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really liked this book. More than I anticipated. Probably because I felt the time travel was more fantasy than hard core sci-fi.
My book club all really enjoyed it, and it lent itself to a lot of discussion and pondering.
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
So I would consider myself more conservative than liberal in most cases until it comes to social justice issues. This author was recommended to me by a family member who mentioned he was the keynote speaker at this year's National Prayer Breakfast. This book was the only one by him that my library had, so I read it. I agree with much of what he says. I don't know that I agree with his stance on the Tea Party being the salvation of the Republican party - I could be wrong with my interpretation of his writing, but that's what I walked away with on his Tea Party mentions. However, I think there are good takeaways for both political parties on how to more effectively communicate and way to truly help the poor in our communities.
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I waffle about the fairness of rating memoirs. I've found I don't love them as they tend to leave so many questions unanswered, they are generally not linear, and focus solely on what the author wants to share and not on what the reader may want answered. This one is no exception.
However, it did raise many questions and points to ponder regarding interracial adoption and let to some interesting discussion when my book club met.
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