My rating: 4 of 5 stars
See my other reviews at mommyreadsbooks.blogspot.com
In the case of this book, third times a charm.
This book is the compelling story (after you're about 60 pages in) of the US rowing team that when to the Berlin Olympics in 1936. But it's not just a look at the team. It's a look into the Depression, Germany as they ramped up towards WWII, the individual men, as well as an in depth look into the sport of rowing itself.
As mentioned, this was my third time attempting this book. I tried to read it a few years ago and didn't get past the first couple chapters. More recently, I tried the audio version. I struggle with audio books in general; this one was no exception. So when I picked it up this third time, I determined to give it until page 65. And I'm so glad I did.
I had no idea the sport of rowing and collegiate rowing in particular was so interesting. The book did a good job of explaining most of the terms, although I did have to google "catching a crab." The personal stories of the rowers' backgrounds that was interspersed with the technical explanations and race descriptions made the whole book even more engaging.
While I appreciate and understand the insertions of what was going on in Germany at the time, I found they pulled me away from the momentum of the over all rowing story.
I'm glad I gave the book another chance. Just goes to show that sometimes it can be a good book, but it's just the wrong time for reading it.
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